These Are A Few of My Favorite Things…


We all have our favorites - of everything - I am no different. I think one of the best things about sitting around a table and having great conversations with people is learning what their favorite things are. From food, to clothes, to fitness, and all the things in between. Our favorite things are another way to let others get a peek inside of who we are. These are a few of my favorites…in all the random and not-so-random places!


Valerie is a close friend, fellow writer and a women with a heart to lead other women how to see God’s glory in their story.

Anne is also a very dear friend and her blog is filled with humor, sarcasm, love, truth and a lot of coffee. You will always laugh and often cry…but always be inspired!

I don’t have enough words to explain what Angel means to me. When she opened Whole Hope Yoga, my physical life changed as did my heart. In her words: Yoga simply means, “to yoke.” As a Christian, I am yoked with Christ. Holy simply means to be “set apart.” At Whole Hope Yoga our practice is set apart to glorify God and live into all that he has created us to be.

Ericka and I met back in 2011 and we have both walked though some hard journeys. She is a personal coach and helps women understand the effects of stress on your health. Her approach is one with grace, love, truth and practical solutions.

Zach is an incredibly gifted Strengths Coach for Strengths Finders. If you are a leader in an capacity (hint: you are!), you really should check out his new page and potentially walk into some sessions with him. I promise, it will transform so many aspects of your life!

Edible Theology is a project exploring the role of food in spiritual formation, founded by Kendall Vanderslice.

We believe that at the table, God calls us to seek the unity of the Body—even, especially, when our theological, social, and political differences threaten to tear us apart. Eating points us towards continual communion with one another, with our bodies, with all of creation, and ultimately with God.

If you want to know more about how our country runs, with facts and not fluff…Sharon is THE BOMB!!! She helped me navigate the 2020 election with much less anxiety - thanks to facts and truth about how our country runs.

She says this, “I’m Sharon McMahon, a former high school government and law teacher on a mission to combat political misinformation. You may know me from my viral Instagram account @SharonSaysSo, and I’m dedicated to sharing non-partisan facts about the US government and democracy.”

Teri Turner over at no crumbs left is simply magic in all of the best places! If you love good, healthy food look no further. She says of herself: “I love to create alchemy and inspire others to do it too: the devotion and intention in the cooking infuses friends and family with love on holidays and every day. Alchemy happens when food is served with love—it is magically transformed. Food + Love = Healing.”

In addition to amazing recipes she has an unbelievable line of one-of-a-kind glazed pottery bowls and serveware. I have the Marinated Onion Bowl and Crum-bowl and I feel like I have art in my kitchen - because I do!